In order to uphold core principles stated within its Handbook, the WIAA may sanction schools that fail to protect those involved in interscholastic activities from derogatory or inappropriate behavior deemed harmful to physical or mental well-being.
If you see, hear or witness derogatory or inappropriate behavior while at a WIAA member school event, please report it immediately with the below form. Examples of harmful behavior to be reported include:
- Derogatory cheers, chants or slurs directed at teams or individual participants (explicit, implied or perceived)
- Hateful comments of any nature as it may relate to:
- Race/Ethnicity
- Gender Identity/Expression
- Disability
- Religion
- Age
- On court/field interactions between a coach, official, participant, crowd that are derogatory in nature
NOTE: The WIAA is not an appropriate organization with whom to report instances of physical or sexual abuse towards a student. Mandatory reporters or patrons with direct knowledge of physical or sexual abuse should report to law enforcement or Child Protective Services immediately - 1-866-ENDHARM (1-866-363-4276). The following complaints, regarded as employee or student discipline matters or complaints that are outside the scope of the WIAA, will be returned to the complainant via the contact address provided:
- Playing time/position
- Satisfaction of coach
- Academic eligibility
- Drug/alcohol use
The WIAA is not empowered to change an educator’s or coach's employment status, nor may it force an employing school district to take certain disciplinary actions against a student, staff member, or public visitor. Anonymous complaints will not be considered by the WIAA. Complainants must include their name and contact information to assist in the prompt investigation of concerns. If you wish to remain anonymous, please speak with a school official about alternative options for reporting to the WIAA. Upon a ruling by the Executive Director or by the Executive Board, the member school of the accused party may be subject to probation, mandatory appearance before the Executive Board, a required plan of action, forfeitures, fines, a lack of institutional control penalties, suspension of membership, or expulsion from the Association. A determination that no penalties are necessary when an incident has been handled appropriately and in a timely fashion by the school and/or district of the accused party may also occur.
Note: A district’s WIAA investigation does not substitute for a district’s continuing obligations to investigate and take prompt and effective steps, as soon as it knows or should have known about discriminatory harassment (including sexual harassment), to (1) stop the harassment (2) eliminate the hostile environment (3) prevent harassment from recurring and (4) remedy the effects of the harassment. WAC 392-190-0555.

- The complainant creates and completes each section of the Complaint Form.
- Once submitted, the WIAA is notified of the complaint.
- The WIAA notifies all parties/individuals included on the Complaint Form.
- A confirmation is sent to the complainant within 48 hours, acknowledging receipt.
- Those involved with the accused party make every effort to complete the investigation process within 30 days; however, should the investigation require more time, a 30-day status update shall be provided.
- The WIAA notifies the complainant of the results of the investigation process and steps taken to address the incident.
If you have other questions regarding the WIAA's policy on bias reporting beyond the scope of the complaint form, please contact us at: |